Denise is a recognized globally for expertise in creative youth development and for clear and actionable research insights. She applies the insights from her work to advise youth development movements, CYD programs, cross-sector alliances, foundations, public agencies, and museums.
Denise’s expertise includes youth program quality, creative youth development program design, adult learning/professional development, and tween and teen engagement. She is experienced in grantmaking strategy, arts ecosystems and the creative economy, arts audience development, and social and emotional development in the context of youth programs.
Denise has a particular interest in youth program quality because of the link between program quality, youth engagement, and youth well-being and overall positive outcomes for youth. As part of her work to build equitable access to high-quality youth development and expanded learning programs, she also works to advance cross-sector and allied youth sector collaborations.
Her work supports high-quality programming and identifies needs, opportunities, and levers for change. She engages in deep listening and collaborates with others with the shared goals of more young people participating in high-quality expanded learning and of thriving youth, practitioners, organizations, and communities.
Select Research Publications
“A leading researcher”
— National Institute on Out-of-School Time
“This research is an example of the deep and necessary connection between research and practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. By partnering with the field, Denise Montgomery has produced timely and relevant information that is inspired by the voices of young people in Creative Youth Development.”
— Erik Holmgren, Program Manager - Creative Youth Development, Massachusetts Cultural Council,
regarding CultureThrive’s research on Adapting Culminating Events During the COVID-19 Pandemic